Tuesday, May 25, 2010


"Snow Drifts" photo by DM Thompson

After typing a synopsis into my phone keypad, I sat waiting on hold. As I heard the 5th "Your call is very important to us" loop yet again, my mind wandered back to looking out onto a frozen world wondering when it would thaw... Waiting is the worst! Helpless, like a fly in a spiders web we are tormented by the forced messages, suggestions and awful musical selections.
In this case only to get a person on the phone who gives the term "Customer Service" a whole new derogatory meaning. Our relationship took a down hill slide after "May I help you?". He thoroughly enjoyed trying to stump me with my own "security question" answer and thought he had me when I could not remember which level of school I was referring to when I typed my answer for "What were your school colors?" (Ironically, a question I had made us so I would never get it wrong.)I recovered on the next one though, as I aced "What is your father's middle name?"
We then moved on to "How can I help you?". I explained my situation and request in plain English, then paused for a response. Silence. I felt pressure to speak asking "Can you help with this?". Slowly words were returned "You should have selected option number 2, I'll transfer you now. Have a nice day." Instantly I was returned to hold. What to do now? If I hang up, I loose 24 minutes of my life and paradoxically if I hang on I could potentially loose 24 more. I decide to wait ignoring my better judgement, self worth and blood pressure.
This time I was ready!I know the school colors, Dad's full name, my zip code and social security number! Ready to rock, I block out all the hold banter (that I believe is designed to get you to hang up)and FINALLY I hear "Thank you for calling, our department is closed..."
DMT ;- (

Monday, May 24, 2010

Mint Condition

Mint condition sparks thoughts of something that is almost perfect. Just a little more than 2 weeks ago this little garden delight was a thriving mint plant, fragrant and in full bloom. While I was not paying attention it was moved into a too sunny place and in less than a day it was dryer than beef jerky.
I was immediately grief stricken as I never even got to enjoy the soothing mint leaves in my midnight tea. An now I never would. My immediate thoughts were " If I had only noticed sooner I could have saved it...". Then it occurred to me that it was possible that the roots were still alive. I moved it into a partially sunny spot and began to water it. I poured and poured until the water was flowing like a tiny stream onto the counter.
After a few days had past, I noticed a tiny little green sprout emerging. My sad heart lightened. Not taking any chances I watered it again. The rational part of my brain that does not mourn over dead plants remined me that too much water would actually create another deadly scenario; killing the roots. Once the roots were gone there would be nothing left to revive.
As in most cases, it was all about balance. Not too much, not too little. Furthermore, balance includes paying attention in the first place. If I had been watching, the plant never would have been left to dry out and I would not have had to spend those few days preoccupied hoping that it would emerge victorious over the sunny ordeal. As it turns out it had been moved with the best of intentions. Sunshine is necessary to grow plants, but without balance it was almost it's demise. Just a friendly reminder: PAY ATTENTION!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Just Can't Take The Rat Race Any More ;-0

TRAPPED by DM Thompson
Trapped on the rat race treadmill
my inherent flight response kicks in,
but there is no way to escape...
Kicking and clawing, chasing myself.
Out of breath and unable to keep up,
I collapse and fall to the ground.
Sitting there I realize I am no longer
"Sparrow in the City" photo by DM Thompson

Every once in a while you find yourself at a juncture where you know it is obviously time to move on. When your world seems to be imploding change is necessary and inevitable. Days are long and unproductive, everything is a chore. The biggest clue may be when you start yelling "Why are you doing this to me!"at inanimate objects. Sometimes even though the signs are there, if you are not quite ready for the change you can be blind sided if it is another person taking what appears to you to be immediate action against you. Whether it is professional or personal, change is hard and you have to leave something or someone behind. Breaking the news of your decision is uncomfortable or accepting that someone else has the power to push you away and out of the picture is devastating at least. Those who are left in the wake of these circumstances are not happy there and what do you do with those things you can't take with and will be lost?

Under the guise of gathering perspective, I let myself pay hooky on the desktop this afternoon. Cup of hot tea in hand I began searching the universe for answers to my questions. First I found TM's blog and her quote of the day from 5/20 made me see that sometimes it's all about letting go and getting over. But deeper into the layers, Lauren's blog brought light to the fact that you also need to bring along carefully packed cherished memories as they are what makes us who we are. In any case, I'm glad I fell off "the rat race tread mill" and wondered into their worlds for just a while. Meeting both TM who I found out is a kindred spirit of beaches and photography along with Lauren and her Green Beans (who I am sure are very proud of their Mommy) gave me insight with a bit of courage.

Even when we know that we have to make the changes necessary for us to be productive and keep moving forward, it's still hard trusting in that little voice inside that whispers "Go on, you can do it".