Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Seeing Red

One of his students asked Buddha "Are you the messiah?" "No", answered Buddha . "Then are you a healer?" "No", Buddha replied. "Then are you a teacher?" the student persisted. "No, I am not a teacher." "Then what are you?" asked the student exasperated. "I am awake", the Buddha replied...The Buddha possesses the wisdom of the ages. I meditated with the Buddha this morning for direction and was instructed to burn two vanilla tea lites on a dull flat reddish stone. The vanilla soothed my melancholy insecurity and increased my senses while the dull red stone gave off a very apparent red glow in the candle light. This alerted me my red chakra was blocked which was what was causing me great anxiety among other issues as it is the first chakra and there would be no life without it as it supports in our body. In all humans the red chakra is active.

There are seven in all colors of the spectrum - our "invisible organs". They explain why light is nourishment to our bodies. Next the orange chakra brings understanding of how your actions affected the world this chakra is also active in all humans. The yellow chakra brings understanding of how the world affects you and broadens your realm of feeling and ability to analyze possible outcomes before they have occurred. It is not active in all humans and as we get further into the spectrum, one must work consciously activate them. The green chakra becomes activated, when you have reached an deep emotional understanding of self and others. Now very sensitive, not only can you feel deep love but pain in its absence. The blue chakra active lets you analyze things in a more advanced way. Usually only active in very charismatic people who can now master the ability to think in a deeper way and influence people to respond in their desired way. The indigo chakra causes your intuition, spiritual abilities & senses as well as the physical to be heightened beyond the average. The violet chakra is the spiritual one. It is the link to the source from which you came, to God. When this chakra is activated, it changes from violet to white.

This is a quick overview, just the tip of the iceberg. This fascinating subject is complex and requires much further study to grasp completely. When we understand more of our self and our world, our soul evolves. Buddhists believe that souls are continually passed on. You may get pangs of a past life and may already be an old soul further enlightened than you know and that annoying pest pillaging your cupboard or buzzing around your head just might be someone you once knew. Something to think about before you stomp or swat...

Hello Red Dragonfly photo by DMThompson Copyright 2011 GoldenMark, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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